rev·el /ˈrev(ə)l/
noun: merriment, celebration
Our customers may have been through the worst, but they still know how to have a damn good time. We celebrate them by making products that we believe will make their lives even better.
At Revel, our inspiration comes directly from our customers. We knew we could make a best-in-class product that would make lives better, easier and cleaner. But when we looked at other brands in the space, we didn’t see our customers reflected there. Their courage, their humor, their incredible attitudes and stories…
So, with the help of some (very patient) advisors and nurses and folks from the community, we have decided to put Revel out a little differently…by creating a revolutionary product that disrupts the status quo and empowers people living with an ostomy to thrive.
Our Vision
Our goal is to use technology to create products that make significant improvements in the lives of ostomates, and work alongside them as they build a welcoming and confident community that celebrates living out loud.

Join the Revelry!
Connecting ostomates to revolutionary products and empowered community is OUR EVERYTHING.
Are you someone who creates content that empowers fellow folk living with an ostomy to thrive? Do you make posts, videos, blogs about what life can look like when an ostomy doesn’t hold you back from living out loud? Are you passionate about sharing tips, hacks, truths that could help lift up your community and celebrate them? We want to celebrate YOU and your story. There are a million and one ways to work with us, so reach out below.
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